Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WYWTD- Conclusion

Now that the ten weeks are over, my blog series will come to a close. At first, I found it difficult to observe my reactions because I had come to learn that my reactions were tamed. In this sense, I mean that I followed the "proper" rules of society. In many instances I did want to act one way but did another due to these rules. Soon enough however, I was able to slowly draw out my initial reactions rather than my tamed reactions. In regards to the tame reactions, I found that many situations called for one to hold back for the betterment of an issue. Overall, I learned that our reactions are formed specifically as a result of social structure. The social structure calls for people to be concerned and aware of their surroundings and consequences. Without this social structure people would act on their instinct but this would do more harm than good.

WYWTD-Talking to the police

So a few weeks ago, my friend Steph and I had to shoot some footage for my Arts 60 class. Our plan was to film an officer pulling someone over. Steph and I were determined to get this footage, especially since our classmates said that we wouldn't be able to do it. Anyways, Steph and I went over to the UCI police station and got the nerve up to ask if they would mind if we filmed them pulling someone over. We ended up being able to get film what we needed, thanked the officers and left. After, Steph and I were talking about how crazy it was that we were able to film the officer. I eventually came to the realization that if Steph wasn't there with me, I probably would not have gone to the station at all. I brought this up to Steph and she said the same thing. To put it simply, I was intimidated by the police. Although I have never met these particular officers, I was automatically scared mostly due to the stigma that surrounds police. I felt that if I went with Steph, there was more strength within me. I thought that was an odd way of feeling but I guess that quote "strength in numbers," holds a lot of significance. Anyways, INTIMIDATION would have been the reason if Steph would not have come along, but I'm glad she did because it makes for a semi-unique story.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

WYWTD- They don't know me

So I was thinking about my roomie and her situation that I mentioned below. Normally my roomie, Nikki, wouldn't do something like that and I was trying to analyze why she did actually stopped so she could piss this girl off. I mean I know that girl almost hit her car but Nikki is passive aggressive not aggressive. But I guess one could argue that her just stopping is a passive aggressive action even though I do not agree, I feel that she was moderately aggressive. Anyways that is neither here nor there.
My Question: Why did she do that?
Well besides the obvious factor that the girl almost banged up her car, I felt that she did it simply because she didn't know the person. If that girl would have been me, she probably would have had the same amount of anger but simply because she knows me she would have probably just put stuff in my trash can. I know that sounds random but since we are roommates she could just "get me back," passive aggressively, at home and she knows that when people fill up my trash can with their own trash it gets on my nerves. My point however, is that she would not have acted the way she did with that girl if it were me or anyone else she knew or liked. I think this is true for most people though. I know I react differently to people I know than people I don't. Maybe it's because we know them that we base our reactions on our relationship with them and if we have no relationship with them then our reaction unfriendly, to say the least. I never really looked at it that way before.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WYWTD- She did it!!

So earlier on today my roomie and I went to Albertsons, the one on campus and california, to go buy some cookies. We went in, got them, and we were leaving the parking lot. Since my roomie and I live in AV housing, which is up on California, we were going to exit the shopping center on California. Right at that exit, there is a Washington Mutual on the right and their personal parking lot. Usually the people coming from that lot stop because they dont have the right away. As my roomie drove by that area, there was this girl driving from the WaMu lot and she almost hit us because she wasn't looking!! Literally she was like 3 inches away! To add to this, she didn't even say sorry or give us a "sorry" look or a "sorry" body motion/language. She just looked away and Nikki was pissed. It was funny because Nikki was so mad she started calling her a B.... and that girl didn't even hear her. Well the best part was that my roomie just felt she had to get back at her so since this girl was right behind us trying to turn right onto california from the center, Nikki decided to just stop and not turn right and she waited there for a short while not moving her car. Man that girl was angry and so Nikki felt content.
When all this happened it honestly reminded me of this because she actually did what she wanted to do. I really think it is because she didn't know her though but I will get into that later on this week. Anyways I thought it was funny, you just had to be there.