Tuesday, January 20, 2009

WYWTD- Parking Fiasco

Have you ever been looking for a parking space in a crowded parking lot, find a space and about to pull in until another car speeds up and steals that parking space and the closest space is the one farthest away from the store? Isn’t that bitch to say the least.

Well this happened to me on Monday and I tend to be unbiased even in my own situations but this guy was an a-hole! I was at the mall and there were literally no spaces available so I decide to head to the front of the parking lot and drive around to another side. As I was going down a lane, a woman pulled out of her space and she was parked right in front, most definitely a prime parking space!! I was feeling pretty lucky and happy that I got an amazing spot. Oh and this spot was definitely mine because I was the ONLY car in the lane, even on both sides!!! As this car pulls out and away, another car pulls into the lane from the other side (the space was near the lane entrance) and drives right into MY spot. I was pissed and rightfully so. In my head I thought “Man, I should put my car in park, get out and yell at this mother f***er!!” My next thought was “Well, you know what I’m from LA, and I am going to show him whats up.” Little did I know the chaos that was about to erupt.

I pull up in back of the car, put my car in park and got out. A woman around her late 30’s steps out of the black jetta looks at me somewhat confused and all I can do is yell my brains out. She was a typical Orange County mother fake tan, fake blonde hair, fake boobs, and probably a fake personality. So of course when I started yelling she had no idea what I was talking about because she was totally clueless…no wonder they made the cell phone laws here in California…SHE WAS ON HER F***ING CELL PHONE?!?!?! “I screamed at her “Umm…excuse me ma’am, do you realize you just took my parking spot???” She then looked me up and down…like someone of higher rank, and with her hand on her hick responded, “Your name isn’t on it, so how can it be yours?” After that we started a back and forth yelling match that lasted for a little over 5 minutes until a security car came up and broke the fight up. The only problem was he told me that if I didn’t stop fighting, he was going to call the cops on me?! Wait…it takes two people to fight, so why did he only tell me this and not the lady? I wasn’t going to get in a huge fight over that, so I just got in my car and drove away.

So why do people tame their reactions?
Reason1. The don’t want to get in trouble with authorities simple as that.

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