Friday, January 30, 2009

WYWTD- Because it's mean...

As I mentioned in the previous post, I wanted to focus on women's reactions. I find it interesting that there is a possibility that women restrain their reactions not because they find it necessary to tame it but the probability that they restrain themselves because that was how they were taught to be a proper woman.

Earlier today, I went to meeting held by an organization that I am involved in. This meeting consisted of active members in the organization discussing issues affecting us. As with everything, people had different views on every issue. During the meeting, there was one issue that resulted in a heated debate. The issue dealt with negative publicity in regards to the actions of one of its members. However, the debate dealt with how the issue should be addressed. Three of the five women at the meeting agreed that it would be best if we kindly talk to the member and let him know we were aware of the issue. Being one of the two women who disagreed, I felt that we should respond with strict consequences and four of the four men at the meeting agreed. The three women argued that it was his first offense and they felt it was mean to punish him. This is when I began to notice the difference between the majority of the women versus the men. I felt that the women were exactly playing into what I had just discussed in Film 190. I felt they were being kind because they were raised to be kind and not forceful. I also felt that it dealt with him being a man because i know if he were woman, two of the other girls would have had no problem punishing her. The men however, did not have an issue of any sort and I felt this was due to the fact that they were raised to be forceful. After the meeting, I talked to the three women and asked them what was wrong with punishment. All three said that punishment was harsh, mean, or that they did not feel right about it. This is when I knew that my teacher was right. Most women are raised to be passive aggressive instead of forceful like men. So, in this case, they did not react the way they would have because they WERE trained to be polite and non-aggressive.

Reason 4. Trained not Tamed!

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