Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WYWTD- Road Rage? Not Much

Let me tell you of a surprised failed attempt on the road.

It was Tuesday evening and I was driving on Culver to a friends house.  While I was driving a car switches lanes to in front of me and starts driving ridiculously slow.  Well, he was driving slow in the other lane too but that didn't really matter to me because it wasn't in my lane.  Eventually he starts  breaking for no apparent reason.  By this time, i was pretty bothered and my natural reaction was in affect.

My reaction was to piss this guy off just like be did to me.  So I switched lanes, passed him up and drove  30 mph in a 50 mph zone right in front of him.  This guy wasn't having it but all he did was switch lanes.  What a dumb "tamed" reaction on his part!  So what did I do you may ask, I did the same freaking thing!  I switched lanes to be right in front of him and drove slow and braked.  He kept switching lanes without more than a simple reaction of shaking his head.  Eventually I had to turn and we parted ways.  

My search was a failure- not only did I not get a reaction, we drove off in different directions and I got nothing answered.  This ended good though because my friend was saying that he could have been crazy and crashed into my car on purpose.  I hadn't thought of that.  She also pointed out that it was harassment too.  I need to start thinking about these things.

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