Saturday, January 24, 2009

WYWTD- I Hear the Beats

There will always be something about music that makes it freeing. I love that it has the ability to play with your emotions as well as create new feelings for something else. Music to me is a powerful force that cannot be seen but only heard and felt and has the incredible characteristic of taking its listeners to what seems like another realm resulting in more of an impact.

As you can tell through how I described music, I really do love music and I find that many others do as well. Although I thoroughly enjoy many genres, sounds, and beats, one of my favorites is electro house music and when I hear a song I find it very difficult not to dance.

Yesterday afternoon, I went shopping with two of my friends to Irvine Spectrum and we went to this small but classy and sheik store called Angl. The clothes they sell vary from laid-back lounge clothes to trendy going out attire. To set the store mood they play electro house music, which compliments their clothes since the majority of their clothes are party and clubbing clothes. For me, hearing the electro house makes being in there just that more enjoyable (the owner’s goal: accomplished). As I mentioned previously, I find it very hard to not dance to electro house and in public places such as this store I usually don’t and I “tame” my urge to move my body and dance to every beat that I hear. But this time I said to myself “Why the hell not?” So as my friends continued looking at clothes, I started to move my body. It started with my head as I bounced it up and down, left to right, right to left to the beat. Then the music moved to my shoulders and travelled to my arms where I raised them and watched as my hands and fingers danced and kept to the music. Soon enough, my hips, legs and feet started to move synchronously. As I looked to my friends, they both stared at me with a “are you really doing this right now” face, mouths dropped, and frozen in embarrassment. I didn’t care though, because I chose not to, and I closed my eyes and imagined the music within my body and every beat caused a movement. The build up in the song was playing and then as the release played, I jumped so freely. I danced for the rest of the song and by the end, everyone in the store was looking at me like I was crazy but this one girl who smiled at me, nodded her head- she knew what was up. I knew this girl had partied and celebrated life the same way as I did. Anyways, my friends were ready to leave the store and so we did. As we walked out the store, they asked me why I danced my ass off and I said, “Because I wanted to. Why didn’t you?” They answered saying that no one dances in stores and that they were embarrassed.

So I found another why, embarrassment tied in with public image and boundaries are reasons why don’t do other things. There are unsaid boundaries set everywhere and with everything, even music! We try to obey these boundaries but for no real reason. It just seems that someone said it is proper to dance with a big group of people but it’s not proper to dance where by yourself where music is playing, like a store. For that moment in time, I said f**k these boundaries and I did what I wanted. But as usual, it leads me to another question who set these boundaries that we all live by? I am not talking about laws, after all those are written and therefore that makes them real, but I am talking about the unsaid rules of society. As for the public image reason, I don’t really need to go into that because we all know that no matter how much you DGAF about what others think, you actually do to some extent.

REASON 2. Public Image
REASON 3. Invisible boundaries

1 comment:

Jensaarai said...

Hey; I know this isn't electro house but I think you'll like's one of my favorite mixes by Paul van Dyk. I thought of it while reading this:



Enjoy :P