Saturday, February 28, 2009

WYWTD- Pick Your Battles

Yesterday, one of my friends had been getting on my nerves. To describe to you briefly, she has been going through a very selfish phase in which she talks on and on about how bad she has it (even though I have definitely seen worse), acting in a way that affects others but only cares about herself, and continuously asking me to take care of her. I usually have a very high tolerance and I have put up with her b.s. for quite some time now. Most of her other friends have given up on her because of her constant selfishness but I still have held true to our friendship. Anyways, things have been building up and the yesterday I basically had the end of it. We were supposed to be going to this event and she asked me to take care of her, as she always does, and I just simply said "I'll watch over you but I'm not going to be your mother." She didn't really reply but just kept on drinking. Soon enough she was drunk and unfortunately she is a sloppy drunk and she was off doing mischievous things and making a fool of herself. I tried to stop her and just sit her down but then she started cussing me out saying that I don't know how to have fun and that I "won't let" her have fun. By that time, on top of everything else in the past, I was furious. I really wanted to smack her across the face and say "Hey you look like an absolute Fool!! You need to stop drinking and get ahold of yourself and stop being selfish!!!" But I didn't. Instead I just walked away and left her for the rest of the night. Not only was I against making a scene, especially in front of people that I do know, I figured that yelling at a drunk person was not a smart thing to do. I had to pick my battle, and that wasn't it. Of course I did talk about it to her today but my full feelings about her selfish situation has not been revealed yet to her. I noticed that I am waiting to choose my battle because once I do, I know I will fight and yell at full force. Sometimes certain situations are just not worth yelling at someone for, but every now and then they really are.

Pick and Choose your Battles.

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